Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Mediatrix (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from February 8, 2022, afterfeast of the (above) Meeting of our Lord in the Temple, feast day of Our Lady of Virtues, Our Lady of the Lily, Our Lady of Lourdes Uruguay, Saint Josephine Bakhita, Saint Elfleda of Whitby, Blessed Elisa Martinez, Blessed Esperanza de Jesus, Blessed Jacoba de Settesoli, Saint Kigwe, Saint Cuthman of Steyning, On Jewish calendar today is Moses' Birth & Passing, 1393 and 1273 BC. Image from here.)


            a title of the Blessed Virgin

            as mediator of grace


When in Mother’s arms

softened gaze.

She changes everything.

She changes everything She touches

and everything She touches changes

till diverge, emerge —  

ice to river, stone to sand 

so much simpler than before.

Not yet knowing what’s to be done, but


*The above “She changes… touches changes” is  from pg 107 of Circle of Song by Kate Marks, being the chorus from Lauren Liebling and Starhawk’s Kore Chant. There are traditions in both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox supporting Pagan faith/philosophy as anticipating Christianity, eg here (note The Sybil of Erythraea top upper left). It's not hard to imagine the anticipation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in chants such as the Kore chant. 

**From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by something in the etymology of mistake (I chose divergent). From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, February 8, 2022

Survivor (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from March 20, 2022, Our Lady of Bołszowce, Our Lady of Calevourt, feast day of Saint Photini and Companions, Saint Gregory Palamas, Saint Cuthbert and Saint Maria Josefa of the Heart of Jesus. Image from here.)


Whorling road its street signs bared,

re-Christened each pass of moon

was it so you could imagine a time

simply human again…

sunflower on the table 

steaming mug 

hands clasped

rising sun once more, then 

another —

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Shailja Patel’s ICC Kenya Trials. From Lisa Freedman’s BreathReadWrite, March 20, 2022.

World Seeks Mother (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from August 26, 2024, feast day of Our Lady of Treille/Arbour, Our Lady of the Seven Arrows (softener of hearts), Our Lady of Częstochowa, Our Lady of Divine Grace, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the deliverance of Moscow from the Invasion of Tamerlane, the Virgin of Tenderness Icon of the Mother of God of the Pskov Caves, Blessed Jean Bassano (spiritual director of Saint Colette), Blessed Margaret of Faenza (spiritual student of Saint Humilitas and Saint Teresa of Jesus Ibars. Image from here.)

World Seeks Mother

A joyful heart is good medicine…

--Proverbs 17:22

On this all factions can agree:

We’ve had enough of sorrow

Mom’s touch is spacious as the sun —

Its warmth seeps in for tomorrow

The tune she hums it sweeps the heart

scoots shadows far and near

newsfeeds can rest, this one life --

more to it than fear

*Inspired by my Mom, ever ready with good medicine! And from prompt: free write as inspired by “Red Tights” by Danusha Laméris, Kim Malinowski’s Poetry Salon class of August 26, 2024. 

Earth-Muse (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, January 15, 2025, feast day of Our Lady of Banneux, (above) Our Lady of the Seeds, Saint Ita of Killeedy, Saints Salome of Ujarma and Perozhavra of Sivnia, Saint Cosmas the Melodist, Saint Placid, Saint Teath (daughter of Saint Brychan of Brecknock, Saint Tarsicia of Rodez (granddaughter of King Clotaire II of the Franks, and sister of Saint Ferreolus of Uzès), Saints Britta and Maura, Blessed Diego de Soto (Mercedarian). Image from here.)


Say you weave, from earth’s inside

bud on the rise

Say a breeze, kisses soul first breath

Say you swoon, soft wake tug of moon

Say you spy, ever heed

Light of sun

Say a diamond, splits a rainbow

current sky

Say a ray, slides heartward –-

pushes pen

*From combined prompts:  Freewrite as inspired by Audre Lorde’s “Poetry is Not a Luxury”, from Daisy Barrett Nash’s Legacy Lines series, January 15, 2025; and choose a poem of yours to refine (I chose above) by posing questions or hypotheses, as inspired by "The Conditional" by Ada Limon, and "Questions About Angels" by Billy Collins, from Tresha Haeffner (The Poetry Salon)'s Write Games, January 16, 2025.

Our Lady of Lyric (WC)



(Wendy Cabell, January 15, 2025, feast day of (above) Our Lady of Banneux, Our Lady of the Seeds, Saint Ita of Killeedy, Saints Salome of Ujarma and Perozhavra of Sivnia, Saint Cosmas the Melodist, Saint Placid, Saint Teath (daughter of Saint Brychan of Brecknock, Saint Tarsicia of Rodez (granddaughter of King Clotaire II of the Franks, and sister of Saint Ferreolus of Uzès), Saints Britta and Maura, Blessed Diego de Soto (Mercedarian). Image from here.)

Our Lady of Lyric

(freely adapted from Audrey Lorde*)

nameless and formless—

about to be birthed, 

but already felt

the Black Mother in each of us

--the poet—

whispers in our dreams, 

          I feel therefore 

       I can be free

*From prompt:  Freewrite as inspired by Audre Lorde’s “Poetry is Not a Luxury”, whose excerpts are compiled and freely adapted above. From Daisy Barrett Nash’s Legacy Lines series, January 15, 2025. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Petals (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, revisted January 2025, as considering a rose petal synchronicity awaiting my Mom upon her moving to assisted living. Originally from December 18, 2021, full moon, feast day of the (above) Expectation of the Virgin Mary, and of the Mercedarians Redeemers. Jewish calendar commemorates Abraham Ibn Ezra's receiving Letter from the Shabbat Queen in 1159, as well as Purim Hebron. Image from here.)


Sky’s mantle, She smooths it out

                 petals slip through -- 

                                       O Lamp

                                       O Staff

                                       O Root

                                       O Key

                                       O Dawn

                                       O Crown

                                       O Presence –

                                         inevitable Her   

                                   u n r a v e l i n g 

                                  o u r  w a y

* “O…”: These stem from the seven O Antiphons, prayed during Advent. The O Antiphons are based on Isaiah’s prophecies, revealing the different titles given to the Messiah. They are also the inspiration behind O Come O Come Emmanuel.

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Luis Eduardo Rendon’s “The Only Key to Heaven”. From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, December 18, 2021.

At Guadalupe (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, revisted January 2025, a haiku-esqe gleaned from piece "Petals", originally from December 18, 2021, full moon, feast day of the Expectation of the Virgin Mary, and of the Mercedarians Redeemers. Jewish calendar commemorates Abraham Ibn Ezra's receiving Letter from the Shabbat Queen in 1159, as well as Purim Hebron. Image from here.)

At Guadalupe

Sky’s mantle,

    She smooths it out — 




*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Luis Eduardo Rendon’s “The Only Key to Heaven”. From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, December 18, 2021. 

To live like a Grandma (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, January 12, 2025, feast day of the Baptism of the Lord (Orthodox afterfeast), Our Lady of Conquering Love, (above) Our Lady of Guadalupe “Little Indians” festival, Our Lady of the Rue Large, Milk-GiverAkathist & Priestly, Icons, Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, Saint Caesaria of Arles, Saint Tatiana, Saint Aelred (quotes), Saint Parthena, Saint Eupraxia, Saint Benedict Biscop, Blessed Lucia, Saint John of Ravenna, Saints Eutropius and Tigrius, Blessed Bernardo de Plano (Mercedarian), Saint Bernard of Corleone, Blessed Nicholas Bunkerd Kitbamrung, Saint Satyrus (destroyed idol by sign of the cross). On the Jewish calendar today is Ezekiel Prophesies Egypt's Downfall, 424 BC. Image from here.)

To live like a Grandma

(complied/adapted from Hannah of Real Vintage Dolls House)

Take things slow. There's solace in the task at hand. 

Embrace comfort food. Eating is meant to delight.

Have a hobby, craft, something to always look forward to. 

Mend, make do. 

Keep your time spacious, even if it means saying no. 

When you ache, s t r e t c h. When you’re tired, rest. 

Dress, design, for coziness.

Love your dear ones unconditionally — and with abandon.

Mediatrix (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from February 8, 2022, afterfeast of the (above)  Meeting of our Lord in the Temple,  f...