Thursday, December 23, 2021

Skycatch (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, December 23, 2021, Forefeast of the Nativity, and feast day of Saint Mazota of Abernathy, Saint Marguerite de Youville, and Saint Victoria (third century Roman Martyr, body remains incorruptible, memorialized in poetry by Saint Aldhelm of Sherborne). Image from here.)

nearly Christmas (December 23), 2021

starfall, sharp shift, hands 

alert -- O wonder! -- be these the 

good old days after all?

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Carlie Simon’s Anticipation; from Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, December 23, 2021.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Heartkeeping (WC) new In anticipation of Advent, 2024


(Wendy Cabell, December 18, 2021, full moon, feast day of the (above) Expectation of the Virgin Mary, and of the Mercedarians Redeemers. Jewish calendar commemorates Abraham Ibn Ezra's receiving Letter from the Shabbat Queen (related image above) in 1159, as well as Purim Hebron. Image from here.


Hear tell there’s a door to the heart. Might  

be a cloud is covering it. Or clutter about the

walkway. Maybe a simple broom will do 

the trick. As even Heaven has her Sweeper–-

She who smooths the folds of Her mantle–-roses 

peek through. Each petal known. Inevitable, 

Her unraveling

of the 


Even Sky has her sweeper

She who

In anticipation of the feast day of Our Lady of Guatalupe

mantle smoothed, roses

peek through -- inevitable

Her unraveling our way

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Luis Eduardo Rendon’s The Only Key to Heaven. From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, December 18, 2021.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Well Come (WC) new nearly

(Wendy Cabell, December 17, 2021, feast day of Saint Vivina/Wivina, (above) Saint Begga of Andenne, Saint Tetta (spiritual mother of Saint Lioba), Saint Olympias of Constantinople, and Prophet Daniel and the Three Holy Youths. Image from here.)

Well Come

You are well come, it is well

you have come for me.

–Miller Oberman

 ' Words Were Changing'

“Finally home”, sighs Heart –-

nestled not far from Ear,

her “Welcome” Heart presses to hear --

soft as the arms of Mary,

in other words:

swift antidote to fear.

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by the etymology of "welcome". From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, December 17, 2021.

Mediatrix (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from February 8, 2022, afterfeast of the (above)  Meeting of our Lord in the Temple,  f...