Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Seamless (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, March 29, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Ara Coeli (interesting Sybil history), Saint Gladys (above; daughter of Saint Brychan, wife of Saint Gwynllyw, mother of Saint Cadoc) and Blessed Berold of Mount Carmel. Image from here.)


“Never too big for a little red dress”

whispers the winged one upon the rose

slipping on clogs for wiggly toes and 

sweeping the mind of all unkind–-

whilst at it to treasure

a border so fine.

*From combined prompts: response to a poem mentioned in March 29, 2022’s BreathReadWrite, Kim Addonizio's What Women Want; as well as post-meditation reflecting after Jamie Deering's Mindfulness in Relationships (Priory of Saint Placid, WA), March 8-29, 2022.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Tea-Strainer (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, March 25, 2022, feast day of the Annunciation, of Saint Dismas, Saint Miriam Sultanah Dsanil Ghattas, Saint Margaret Clitherow, and Blessed Margaretha Flesch. On Jewish calendar today, the Mishkan (Tabernacle) assembled for the 1st time; "Seven Day of Training" begin (1312 BC). Image from here.)


,ie what held to:

Mother’s smile,

Father’s land

and this “M” wrinkles form in

the hand, which is given to 


is enough. 

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Joyelle McSweeney’s Tea-Strainer, whose  poem title is used here; from Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, March 25, 2022.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Labyrinth, ie Examen (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, March 4, 2022, feast day of (above) Our Lady of the Guard, Brother and Sister Martyrs Paul and Juliana, Blessed Marie-Louise-Elisabeth, Prince Saint Wenceslas, and Saint Gistilian of Wales. Today on Jewish calendar commemorates the second day of Rosh Chodesh Adar II, the plague of darkness (1313 BC) and Ezekiel’s foretelling of Egypt’s downfall (421 BC). Image from here.)

Rosh Chodesh Adar II, 2022, upon sensing the examen as labyrinth

She circles as She cradles

I circle as I ask Her:

guide me to the good

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

When In Overwhelm (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, feast day of (above) Our Lady Della Croce (of the Cross), of Saint David of Wales, Saint Domina the Younger of Syria, Blessed Aurelia of Wirberg, Blessed Giovanna Maria Bonomo. Image from here.

When In Overwhelm

Few people realize the immensity 

of vacancy in which the dust of the 

material universe swims–HG Wells

Shifting slowly where it should be:

Immensity--to You, from me, the 

immeasurable list of to-be’s

placed in Hand of One 

who sees all ways, 

straight through to 

a door opening. 


*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by the etymology of immensity/beyond measure. From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, March 1, 2022.