(Wendy Cabell, August 4, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Dordretcht ("The healing water soothes troubled minds, brings relief to aching brows and strength to weakened limbs, as Mary’s sick children come to her for aid"), Our Lady of Font-Romeu (Pilgrim Spring), and of Saint John Mary Vianney, Saint Ia of Persia, Blessed Ioan Balan, Blessed Cecilia Cesarini, and the "Seven Sleepers" of Ephesus. Jewish calendar today commemorates First Temple Invaded (423 BC), and the Three Weeks" of mourning continues. Image from here.)
Regarding Wing Anatomy
Man, like the bird,
has two wings to fly:
creativity and freedom
--Our Lady, to Angela Volpini
Lavender Fairy,
Sweet Pea Fairy,
Candytuft Fairy,
Heliotrope Fairy,
Blackthorn Fairy,
Apple Blossom Fairy,
neat deft paint, German
plates of 1979-81. Sold to a
neighbor in 2001 so I can
buy groceries: pasta, meatballs,
ice cream. Aka
Esau’s porridge.
But that’s not what happened.
Knocked downhill by a heavy
truck hauling furniture, leaves
nerve damage, complex neck injury,
severe chronic pain. Aka not simply
whiplash. Newly reversed cervical curve,
radiculopathy down right arm. Disabled (ie
suddenly no income). Family disbelieves, leaves
to fend. Seasons continue regardless, 2001 now,
apartment midst coyotes and Joshua trees, impossible
to pay rent, future's terror stares--unblinking. And
a girl's gotta eat, if
nothing else.
But that’s not what happened.
1979-1981, limited issue. Mom and I
flying to the collectibles shop for each
release–-fragile plates (like their fairies’
wings.) Fragile joy, as summer dusk,
winter moon sweeps us home. Our shared
room in Grandma’s house gains hidden
shimmer–-fairy winks–-amid schoolbooks,
Andrew Lang, roller skates. Out room’s
door now, glow markedly diminished. But
table beckons, lasagna, speak of school,
holidays, headlines. And new-fortified
for tonight’s swim, it’s splash!,
starburst, into silence. Soul wash,
invited wish. For what, I’d tell you--
but then it wouldn't come true. And I have
it on good authority, from those who
won’t be banished,
Apple Blossom Fairy,
Blackthorn Fairy,
Heliotrope Fairy,
Candytuft Fairy,
Sweet Pea Fairy,
Lavender Fairy,
that it will.
*From prompt: Though is no formal prompt for this piece, I suspect that the Litany of Trust, recently discovered, stirred the waters...