(Wendy Cabell, published in Network: Fall 2022, a journal edited by Michelle Miller and team, International Women’s Writing Guild, 2022. Piece from July 25-27, 2022.)
Emergence Notes
(notes on Margie Ann Stanko’s “Emergence” series,
IWWG Conference, July 25-July 27, 2022)

1. Day one, “Unknowing”
Change Greets Me With Love
(from cave’s signpost)
soft glow, scoots
edges out of hiding:
emergency supplies,
medical records;
hands note an interweave:
hot tea,
click of Rosary beads–-
hold them now.

2. Day two, “Resilience”
Eye Witness
What does it take to start looking inward
and outward like an artist (or even better an
heARTist) and sense what yet has to emerge?
–Margie Ann Stanko
Great Grandma Ginny, softest touch, “See this,
Honey?,” pulling out her Scapular, or setting out
chocolate chip cookies, or ushering me into her
quiet, breezy room. I can nestle here as the family
chats--booming staccato. As I snooze before our spaghetti
dinner, spot a cloud or two just outside. As inside the flutter
settles, eye blinks. Later, young adult eyes upon my therapist,
who says “Honey, what did Grandma Ginny do?" Nudges
consider this in current scene, my feeling powerless
can only offer hand when asked for help–-
listen, hush--as a memory’s up, of mask’s
slip, gentle hands having loosened its grip
not with speeches or with stuff but with
space, a Presence–-
it is enough.

3. Day three, “Thriving”
To Love Truth
To love truth
is true strength
is strength for peace
is peace beyond that of mind
is of another kind--
kindness, tender touch
being what touches
*Images above, being part of each day’s prompts during the Margie Ann Stanko’s “Emergence” workshop, are photos of sculptures from Frederick Franck's "Pacem in Terris", a contemplative sculpture garden in Warwick, NY.