Friday, July 12, 2024

Green Above//Green Below (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, July 11, 2024, feast day of Our Lady of Carmine ("painting shows the infant St. John the Baptist pointing to the Child Jesus"), Our Lady of the Le Puy ("one of the oldest sanctuaries dedicated to the Mother of God"), the (above) Rzhevsk Icon of the Mother of God (connected with Pentecost), the Three Hands Icon of the Mother of God (or June 28 Julian calendar; also July 12 / 25), Saint Benedict, Saint Euphemia and Saint Olga. On Jewish calendar today is Ezekiel's Vision of the "Chariot" (429 BC). Image is from here.)

Green Above

Green Below

(a blackout poem*)

When I first

          saw the land

                            fresh land


                                    I  cracked 

                          open my soul.              

    I am now distinctly aware,

  a forcefield — 







*Blackout poem created from article “Green Above and Green Below” by Eve Grubin, from Lubavitch International, Spring-Summer issue, 2024. From prompt given to do a blackout poem, from Kim Malinowski’s Poetry Salon class of July 8, 2024; poem revisited/revised July 11, 2024.