Wednesday, August 28, 2024

On Unitive Force (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, August 28, 2024, feast day of the Dormition of the Mother of God (old calendar), (above) Our Lady of Kiev, Saint Anna the Prophetess, Saint Agnes of Cologne (companion to Saint Ursula), Saint Junipero Serra, Saint Augustine of Hippo, Saint Joaquina Vedruna Vidal de Mas, Several Martyrs in England and in the Spanish Civil War, Saints Theodora and her daughter Theopiste, Martyr Susanna, Queen of Georgia. On Jewish calendar today is Hasmonean Holiday (circa 100 BCE) (Hellanist secular law replaced). Image from here.)

On Unitive Force 

Love grows, generates [plant soul]. 

Love senses, enjoys [animal soul]. 

Love transcends, understands [human soul]. 

Love moves all things…

–adapted from

“Aquinas on the Levels of the Soul”

1. The Maize’s Tale Up, out -- blade, ear, grain. Love Herself tends, brings map: one pure and magic Land. And our seed, so vale-familiar finds! a Heart Who understands, finds! a Heart Who understands. 2. The Lioness’ Tale She spots movement across the plains, soft blink of a golden eye. Neighbor’s cub it turns out. The lioness turns towards. There'll be jubilation, no doubt, upon the little one’s return –- to the warm and welcoming fur of her Mother, to the warm and welcoming fur of her Mother. 3. The Author’s Tale (Portland, Oregon, 2006) Once volcano, we hike mount’s rim. A hawk circles. Draws us in. Onto library, spot ancient lore grants us passage, most kindly Shore grants us passage, most kindly Shore –-

*From prompt: Write of something longed for, past, present, or future. Daisy Barrett-Nash’s Legacy Lines (Writers at Play), August 28, 2024. As material, reworked past pieces prompted by Marguerite Antonia Radclyffe Hall :

1) free association based on various words given as prompts (later set to structure inspired by Marguerite Antonia Radclyffe Hall) , and 2&3) freewrite then structure as inspired by (respectively) Hall’s  “Tramping Poem” (with an eye to using the comfort of rhyme scheme to make the expression of charged issues easier for readers to receive), and “Tradition” (with an eye to how one spends, has spent, or would like to spend their Sundays). From Daisy Barrett-Nash’s Legacy Lines (Writers at Play), Summer, 2024.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Spark-seek (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, August 19, 2024, afterfeast of the Dormition, Super Blue Moonfeast day of (above) Our Lady Star of the Sea, Australia, the Don Icon of the Mother of God, Matriarch Sarah, Saint John Eudes, . Image from here.)


(for the Afterfeast of the Dormition, and Super Blue Moon, 2024)

            Joy is holy. That's why the world is so sad. 

            There is no joy outside of the Living God.

             –Father James Blout

My daily declutter-reminder to Joseph: The floor is not storage space.

Spying the half full bag of white cheddar popcorn he left out on the table, 

now we’re talking. Or rather munching

and thinking about last night’s full moon. “You have to come out ~right now~” he said,

no time for my sweater, or decision. 

So worth it. Clouds hold an angel, then a mantle outstretched. 

Moon reappears out of a newly formed heart.

“Let’s go inside right now”, I whisper,  

heart’s soft solidity, beats and billows, still in view.

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by "Please Call Me By My True Names" by Thich Nhat Hanh, being super specific to you/this time and place; from Kim Malinowski’s Poetry Salon class of August 19, 2024. 

Mediatrix (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from February 8, 2022, afterfeast of the (above)  Meeting of our Lord in the Temple,  f...