(Wendy Cabell, composed sometime in February but gathered March 3, 2025, Beginning of Great Lent, feast day of Our Lady of Miracles, Our Lady of Angels, the Volokolamsk Icon of the Mother of God, Saint Non of Wales, Saint Katharine Drexel, Saint Teresa Eustochio Verzeri, Blessed Concepcion Cabrera de Armida, Image from here.)
When Entangled
(for Pope Francis, February, 2025)
Seeds fallen among thorns
Bills and bicker, borders
lung’s lament
Be simple
Our Mama says
Love, extraordinary bloom
petals permeated
alchemical sweetness
needs time
needs space
bed, chair, table glow, hands touch across —
Everything else is secondary
*Inspired by Matthew 13:7 (see also Our Lady of the Thorns), Our Lady of Mercy/Pellevoisin, André Frossard, Pope Francis and 2 Kings 4:8-11 respectively.