Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Waterways (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, November 15, 2020, feast day of Saints Albert the Great, Saint Paisius Velichovsky, the Kupyatich Icon of the Mother of God (above), and the Fragrant Flower Icon of the Mother of God, here. Image from here.)


      And the spirit of God moved

      upon the face of the waters.

      --Genesis 1:2

1. Rainflow

The rain it sings

a question brings,





An offer whispered,

to simply



A maxim sighed, 

"A desert father's asceticism: action.

  But women today are called to rest.

  Rest is a true discipline."

2. Waveflow

As sky meets tide

two worlds are tied,





Flow shifts ebb,

ebb shifts flow, to

flesh this heart of stone.

A voice guides,

"Do what you actually can,

 not what think you 'should'.

 Real true prayer, sometimes

 it's just knitting, or holding 

 your Cross."

3. Springflow

A wash that carves

an empty bowl

is now. A spring that 

spouts a question,


   wants to


An opened map,

"You don't need to do everything.

 You just need to Do Something. 

  Small doors, large doors, 

  open to the threshold."

4. Graceflow

The Celts called it Awen,

that liquid flow of Spirit.

It's the Saints who get it, feel 

our gaze. 'Till mid stirring 

that pot of soup, we

know, find voice, 

our sisters, our Saints 

        pray for us!


*Poem inspired by (November 15) 2020 Ancient Faith Women's Retreat, Seven Holy Women and You: Walking With the Saints.

**The qoutes are paraphrases from speakers at retreat.


  1. I'm delighted that you decided to post this poem, Wendy! It is a wonderful reminder of the gifts we all shared during our time together at the retreat last weekend. I speak, of course, of the retreat offered by Ancient Faith "Seven Holy Women and You." When you first shared your poem I hesitated to write - the simplicity of the verses truly moved me. I just wanted the words to wash over me - back out and in again as the waves do! I hope you continue to post your poems to comfort others as your words comforted me. Truly a gift to be shared.

  2. Hi Beth,

    That was so sweet of you to comment. I too found it helpful to use poetry to help anchor memory for the retreat. It was such a beautiful retreat, and lovely group of women. Was wondering, do you write at all? If so I'd be happy to post it here. This blog is brand new, haven't even really given the address out much yet. But am considering having "guest writers" share their writing here, if interested. Well, hope you have a nice peaceful weekend Beth : )


