Saturday, December 5, 2020

Angel Prayer (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, July 6, 2020, feast day of Saint Maria Teresa Goretti. Image from here. )

Angel Prayer

Michael at right,

Love of God,

hear us.

Gabriel at left,

Strength of God,

rear us.

Uriel ahead,

Light of God,

steer us.*

Raphael at back,

Healing of God,

cheer us.

Sheltering Wings,

Presence of God,

Ever be

Thou near us.


*This prayer poem is based on traditional qualities of the archangels, coupled with verses from the Siddur's Bedtime Shema (Kriyat Shema She'al Hamitah): "To my right Michael and to my left Gabriel, in front of me Uriel and behind me Raphael, and over my head God's Shekhinah".

Just to note however, the Talmud (Numbers Rabbah 2:10) interchanges the positions of Uriel and Gabriel. From the Wikipedia entry Angels in Judaism: "As the Holy One blessed be He created four winds (directions) and four banners (for Israel's army), so also did He make four angels to surround His Throne--Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. Michael is on its right, corresponding to the tribe of Reuben; Uriel on its left, corresponding to the tribe of Dan, which was located in the north; Gabriel in front, corresponding to the tribe of Judah as well as Moses and Aaron who were in the east; and Raphael in the rear, corresponding to the tribe of Ephraim which was in the west."

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