Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Desert Prayer (WC)



(Wendy Cabell, December 9, 2020, feast day of Saint Juan Diego (Our Lady of Guadalupe) and anniversary of Archdeacon Cavanah (Our Lady of Knock)--both connecting to the book of Revelation. Also feast day of Saint Anna's Conception of the Mother of God, of the Unexpected Joy Icon of the Mother of God, and of Saint Hannah, mother of Samuel. Eve of the feast day of Our Lady of Loreto. Image from here.)

Desert Prayer

(after Rabbi Jonathon Sacks)

       Cut [flowers], gather them, assemble them,

       then come and bring them into my presence.

       -- Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego

being that the opposite 

of kadosh, holy,

is chol, sand: 

in a desert of

shifting sand,







                     His roses



 *Prompted by reflecting on Will Hunter's class Wilderness Spirituality, (Monastery of St. Gertrude, Cottonwood, Idaho) December 8, 2020; and by Abbey of the Arts' "self paced" class Give Me a Word, Galway, Ireland.

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