Sunday, February 28, 2021

In Welcome (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, February 28, 2021, feast day of the Devpeteruv Icon of the Mother of God. Image from here. )

In Welcome

Home is the place, can see under

all my disguises. It's door, seals 

cracks in fragilest eggs. Takes

warmth, you know, for an 

egg to hatch. And these walls

to touch, know inside 

I wait. Not for

a heart freed from its skin, which

ceases. Clothed about, it sings, 

amidst candlelight, and teabrew, 

clears a space. Picks up knitting, editing,

sorts pages. To re-concile. Re-ligament.

Till Mercy finds her ground: Give, 

forgive, give, forgive. The only hope really, 

what with hearts and eggs breaking

so easily.

*From prompt: I believe this was spurred by something (perhaps to begin a poem with above first line?) from Dr. Kayleen Asbo’s Lenten series Anchored in the Heart: The Quest for Virtue and a Path of Peace (St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Richmond, Virginia).

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