Thursday, May 13, 2021

Ever-Aftering (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, May 13, 2021 [further edited Summer Solstice Eve 2022 (via Cate's Imagination and Justice workshopping group), and Ascension Thursday (Roman Catholic calendar 2023, also Our Lady of Skepe and the White Poplar)], feast day of Our Lady of Help/Succor and Our Lady of Fatima, of above Saint Julian of Norwich, Blessed Gemma (gem) of Goriano (her Tridium is May 11-13), Saint Merewenna (teacher of Saint Elfleda), Saint Rolende of Gerpinnes, Saint Glyceria (sweetness), and Saint Agnes of Poitiers. Image from here.)


(life-journey in light of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary)

The body takes the soul to places it could not reach 

alone -- alluded to by the fact that in Hebrew the words

body and wings share the same root letters.

—, paraphrased

1. First Luminous Mystery:

    The Baptism In the Jordan

Honest, I'd float. On the water, in the pool, growing 

up. Water sun-lit with squiggles. Fairy writing, I 

call it. Then pretend to translate.  

2  Second Luminous Mystery:

    Miracle At Cana

Turns out Mom could be quite unreasonable, 

no dolphins to live in our pool. By age 12 I bow, she’s right –-

there’s no room. Turn to Venice beach, to Malibu’s ocean, 

plunge on in. Spot their pods come dawn — magic ever. 

Though no longer convinced they won’t fit, I sense a 

swimming in my soul. 

3. Third Luminous Mystery:              

    The Kingdom of God Proclaimed


Honest, I’d panic, growing list of medical progressions–-till

open a window -- Yes, please, tell me a story! How 

       Grandma Sarah had mist always round

       her tent, and breadbin that never ran dry. 

       Ever Sabbath Light. While Grandpa Abraham 

       shook hands with angels, wangled promises, 

       counted Starlight. Angel of Death spares their 

       kinfolk it's told, deep of a Passover eve. Truth

being mystery (nonetheless nestling)

            at the doorstep of Believe.

4. Fourth Luminous Mystery: 

    The Transfiguration

It does happen. Sometimes. Soaked

right through to my shimmer-skin,

here at the edge where the river begins

fresh flow to wash away my sins

slant of sun to gather kin

immersion of soul, ancient

Path to begin.

5. Fifth Luminous Mystery:

    The Institution of the Eucharist

Honest, once begun it echoes still. 

Fairies in the Foothills merge forces

with other winged things--choir unseen,

growing ring–-as I open up the shade 

grab a muffin, trudge uphill. Dawn at mountain’s 

base being soft, a cool hand (before the bake) and

being a being as yet without wings I break my fast

turn Home at last, humming…

*For more information on the five Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary, see

Regarding the miracles of Sarah's tent (section 3 above) see Bereishit Rabbah 60:16, here: ; and article, here: .


**1, 3 and 4 are from combined prompts: Freewrite around the words/concepts float, flower, flow, and Baptism--and adapt after bringing in structure. From Lisa Freedman's Float, Flow, Flower workshop (The Poetry Barn, West Hurley, NY), May/June 2021. 

2 from prompt: Push through writer’s block by choosing a poem whose structure (not necessarily viewpoint) you like, and paralleling--or rebutting--poem's subject line/concept and/or poem's content/rhythm/language. Poem used as prompt was Seamus Heaney’s "Skunk". From Sharon Scholl’s Plunder Poems: Exploring Creativity Through Borrowed Words (Hope at Hand’s Jax Poetry Fest 2023).

5 from prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Alberto Rios' Into the Desert; From Mindful Poetry Moments (NPR's On Being, and The Well), April 6, 2022.

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