Sunday, May 2, 2021

Shutterfly (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, May 2, 2021, Pascha (Orthodox Easter, its Icon above), and feast day of Saint Wilborada of Gall (martyr, bookbinder, anchoress). On Jewish calendar is 20 Iyar, when occurs (in 1312 BC) the journey from Mount Sinai. Image from here.)


(after Dean Young)

A single gem has throbbed in my

chest my whole life. How could I 

not have seen it? But then unseen 

was Dad's wit and Mom's devotion. 

Grandma's inquisitiveness, Grandpa's 

deep well, of quiet. Uncle's wanderlust and

Aunt's courage. One brother's innovation,

other's simple joy. Still, a single gem has  

throbbed in my chest all my life. Putting

hand to heart now 

is enough.

*From prompt; Freewrite as inspired by Dean Young's Belief in Magic, whose "A single gem has throbbed in my chest my whole life" is used above; from Lisa Freedman's Breathe/Read/Write of May 2, 2021.

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