Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Rose Fairy (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, October 19, 2021, feast day of the Inner Life of Mary (Sulpicians), of Blessed Agnes of Jesus (who conversed daily with her Guardian Angel),  Prophet Joel, the Marytrs of North America, Saint Frevisse/Frideswide (patroness of Oxford), Saint Cleopatra with her son John. Image from here.)

Rose Fairy

(after Victor Hernandez Cruz)

I knew you could hear it. 

Those sounds made by flowers 

as they stretch into the light. 

Star’s splash as swims the sky. 

Butterfly conducting her bee choir,

         “Dang they're good!”,

while Mama shooshes tiny wings,

“Now just listen”, she says, 

and you do. And

           I follow you.

   Though you don’t know.

         You who know 

            the way to 


*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired, after hearing Victor Hernandez Cruz’s Here is an Ear Hear, whose "sounds made by flowers as they stretch into the light" is incorporated above. From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite.

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