Sunday, February 20, 2022

Mess-Bless (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, February 20, feast day of Our Lady of Bolougne, of (above) Blessed Julia Rodzinska, Saint Mildred of  Thanet, and Saint Amata of Assisi. Image from here.)


mess (n.)

…from Late Latin missus 'course at dinner'...


The opposite of holiness: messiness. Least that's what I'd learn, "Don't be so messy!", it would resound (does still). My preschool art supplies they'd wind their way all round our home. With mess being actually, originally: a placing, putting on the table. It's pumpkin soup today, a rose accompanies.

Rose Fairy brandishes her stop sign —

                                                   traffic slows...

turns corner to today's beautiful mess.

*From prompt: After listening to Rainier Maria Rilke's Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems to Go, and quote from  Ilia Delio, in Franciscan Prayer (“Spiritual desire is the experience of God’s presence in us or it may be the absence of God as well, since a feeling of absence may stimulate a yearning for God. It is the experience of delightful love and fearful emptiness”), freewrite about a seeming opposite/polarity in yourself. From Jamie Deerings's Spiritual Writing as a Pathway to Presence (Priory of Saint Placid, WA), February 19, 2022.

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