Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Bright Week (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, April 27, 2022, Bright Wednesday, feast day of Our Lady of Montserrat/Moreneta, the (above) Kasperov Icon of the Mother of God (Saint Tatiana and Saint John the Baptist on sides), Burning of Saint Sava'a Relics, feast day of Saint Zita of Lucca, Saint Enoder (grandson of Saint Brychan), Blessed Hosanna of Cattaro and Blessed Maria Antonia Bandres Elosegui. Jewish calendar today commemorates the Passing of Joshua (1245 BC). Image from here.) 

Bright Week

(journal from Eastern Orthodox Easter Week, 2022)

“Open for me just an infinitesimal pinhole,” G‑d pleads, 

“and I will open for you a vast, infinite portal to all My love…”

 --the Lubavitcher Rebbe, via Tzvi Freeman

1. Orthodox Easter, mid-day

a Spring toast

takes but a sec–-rain, joy,


2. Bright Wednesday, upon awakening

goldfinch trill,

sun’s long languid rise–-

if I could

3. Bright Thursday, after breakfast

something's coming,

fires then fireweed, but listen! 

chime of fairy bells

*From prompt: As Spring leans towards Summer, keeping in mind that waking up to where you are wakes you up to who you are, craft haiku around the area of longing. From Gerry Grubbs’ Writing From Where You Are (The Hive, Cincinnati), April 15, 2022. 

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