Wednesday, April 6, 2022

In Cahoots (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, published in Mindful Poetry Moments, third editionedited by Stacey Simms and Eddie Gonzalez, The Well (in partnership with NPR's On Being Project), 2022. From April 6, 2022, feast day of (above) Our Lady of the Conception (Flanders), of Saint Brychan of Brychaneiniog (his daughter Saint Tydfil above), Saint Galla of Rome, and Blessed Pierina Morosini. Jewish calendar today commemorates Spies to Jericho (1273 BC). Image from here.)

In Cahoots

(memories of a San Fernando Valley girl)

Fairies in the Foothills merge force

with other winged things -- choir unseen,

growing ring –- as I open shade, grab 

an apple, trudge uphill. Dawn at mountain’s 

base being soft, cool hand (before the bake) and

being a being without wings I break my fast, turn

home at last, humming...

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Alberto Rios' Into the Desert; From Mindful Poetry Moments (NPR's On Being, and The Well), April 6, 2022.

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