Saturday, April 30, 2022

Clean Sweep (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, Bright Saturday (artos bread, yumm), and feast day of (above) Our Lady of Perpetual Help/Mother of God of the Passion Icon, of Our Lady of Africa, of Saint Onenn of Brittiany, Saint Marie of the Incarnation Guyart,  Saint Hildegard the Empress (Supporter of Saint Saint Lioba), Saint Sophia of Fermo, Blessed William Southerne Blessed Dede Plani. Tonight is Rosh Chodesh (now moon) Iyar. Image from here.)

Clean Sweep

‘Does this spark joy?’ If it does, keep it. If not,

dispose of it. This is not only the simplest but

also the most accurate yardstick.

--Marie Kondo

Morning, upon awakening


In habit, to inhabit, land spread 

before me. Open space. That’s 

the plan, yes? Sweet habit of return.

Each morning open eyes, to 


Afternoon, at home altar

There is peace here, an 

island. Can an island ripple its sea?

Light through crystal. Icons’ grace.

Grandma Dee’s Miraculous Medal.

A Rosary my uncle made. 

SoulCollage cards. And the

wonder of things--thunder

skipped, settle soft in place.

Not so, the sea, house. Or

not yet

Evening interim (ie prayer)

Her smile the breeze–

parts the curtain, hands soft in


*From combined prompts: Freewrite as inspired by the etymology of citizen/country/land, by Jamaal May’s “There Are Birds Here”, and by Jake Adam York’s “City of Grace” (respectively); from Lisa Freedman’s BreatheRead Write, April 30, 2022.

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