Thursday, May 5, 2022

In Wake (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, May 5, 2022, feast day of the  Inexhaustible Chalice Icon of the Mother of God, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady of Europe (Gibraltar), Our Lady Queen of the Apostles, Saint Great Martyr Irene, Conversion of Saint Augustine, Saint Touteria of Verona, Saint Tosca of Verona, Blessed Judith Prussi (above), and Blessed Caterina Cittadini. Image from here.)

In Wake

(from the journal, May 5, 2022, Oregon)

Mind migrates of late, to my great-grandmother, Elizabeth Otten. How she moved from her native Germany to the US in 1920's, opening her own restaurant. How she lost it in the Great Depression and became manager instead. Throughout it all, a Rosary nestled in her apron pocket. Even during her busy workday, she'd stop right where she was and pray its beads whenever a brief moment allowed. Our family still has one of the little creme pitchers that graced the tables in Grandma Otten's restaurant. But the real heirloom has been a continued family devotion to the Rosary. 

This September will be the first anniversary of her son’s, my great-uncle Art’s, passing. This May begs an early glance, amidst its dew and bloom–-Mary’s own month. Uncle Art’s passing was so simple, so peaceful, while praying the Rosary with his children. His funeral left strange hope where grief should have dwelt. I carry it still.

Mother, full of grace

beads of thanksgiving tend pace–

morn and evenin round

*From prompt: As Spring continues its lean towards Summer, and considering the power of longing, craft haiku (here playing with haibun) about the “song” that carries you through your life/work; from Gerry Grubbs’ Writing From Where You Are (The Hive, Cincinnati), May 2, 2022.

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