Wednesday, June 29, 2022

I Am Here (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 29, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Buglose, of Our Lady of Linarejos, of Our Lady of Feniers, the (above) Kasperov Icon of the Mother of God, and of Saints Peter and Paul, Mary Mother of John Mark, Saint Hemma (Emma) of Gurk, Saints Salome and Judith of Niederaltaich, Saint Ilud Ferch Brychan, and Saint Ciwg ap Arawn. Image from here. See also here.)

I Am Here

(in honor of Mary-Mom)

I am here to watch over your birth.

I am here to make you laugh, smile, wiggle, sigh.

I am here with a canopy of mist, oasis in the desert. 

I am here to feed the spark growing glowing within you.

I am here to keep watch, keep all safe. 

I am here for whatever ails you, ever. 

I am love. 

I am here. 

*From prompt: After listening to Dane Nichols’ “Dust and Dazzle”, write a quick instinctive “I am here to” statement for six of your (shuffled) SoulCollage cards–-in this case the six completed during this workshop series. From Kimberly Lee’s Journal to the Self With SoulCollage, May/June, 2022.

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Turnabout (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 9, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Ligny/Our Lady of Virtues, of Our Lady of Grace and (above) Mary the Helper (two of the oldest titles for Mary), of Our Lady of the Plain, and of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Five Persian Nuns, Saint Ephrem of Syria, Saint Columba of Iona, and Saints David Gareji and Lucian. Image from here.)


(in gratitude to the One who

created us creative)

I love when out of nowhere!:

curtain flutter, soul she stretches wake –-

Unknown where this carpet’s off to,

only where it’s from,

only time grab coat, pen, mug.

Just these just now --

Just enough.

*Reference to the One who created us creative is directly inspired by Rabbi Adina Allen's practice of Jewish Studio Process. From here: "Just as a blessing is always recited before starting Torah study, a volunteer also reads a blessing before starting the creative practice: 'Blessed are you God, Source of Life, who creates us in Your image and invites us to renew daily the work of creation. Blessed are You, who created us creative.'

**From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Dean Young’s “Quiet Grass, Green Stone”; from Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, June 9, 2022. 

While Waiting For a Poem (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 9, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Ligny/Our Lady of Virtues, of (above) Our Lady of Grace and Mary the Helper (two of the oldest titles for Mary), of Our Lady of the Plain, and of Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, Five Persian Nuns, Saint Ephrem of Syria, Saint Columba of Iona, and Saints David Gareji and Lucian. Image from here.)

While Waiting For a Poem

...for words unruffled unraveling,

for joy welling up in my chest–-

turn to tidying up

for said guests

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Luljeta Lleshanku’s "Waiting for a Poem”; from Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, June 9, 2022.