Sunday, July 17, 2022

Venice Beach, California, 1988 (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, July 17, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of Humility, Our Lady of Campitelli, The Svyatogorsk Icon of the Mother of God, Saint Alexis of Rome, Saint Queen Hedwig of Poland, Saint Marcellina, Saint Marina/Margaret of Antioch, Royal Passionbearers of Russia, and Holy Roman Empress Constance of Aragon. On Jewish calendar, today begins the period of hopeful mourning known as the Three Weeks ("A sense of purification accompanies the fasting, a promise of redemption pervades the mourning, and a current of joy underlies the sadness. The Ninth of Av, say our sages, is not only the day of the Temple's destruction—it is also the birthday of Moshiach.") Image from here.)

Venice Beach, California, 1988

…where the Aphrodite mural jolts me, not even 

the original is as I remember, shift to scoot 

sidewalk for clues, for the sea breeze from 

which she comes, for the heart that replaces

stone with shy glance

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Fernando Valverde’s “Edgar Allan Poe Is Reached at the Baltimore Harbor by the Shadows That Pursue Him” (its "the sea breeze from which they come" is used/adapted above); from Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, July 17, 2022.

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