Monday, October 17, 2022

Yes! No! (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, October 17, 2022, feast day of the (above) Purity of the Blessed Virgin (“Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are full of grace… You are full of grace, the Lord’s free gift and it overflows in you filling your soul with every virtue and perfection”), Our Lady of La Pampa, Our Lady of Milan, and of Saint Bonita Brioude, Saint Domna of Tomsk. On Jewish calendar, today is Hoshana Rabbah, the 7th day of Sukkot, which unfolds into Simchat Torah. Image from here.)

Yes! No!

(after Mary Oliver)

How important it is to walk along,

not in haste but slowly,

looking at everything and calling out

Yes to these honey wood walls, move round by touch.

No to a tendency to stockpile, now a bit too much. 

Yes to presiding Icons, their gentle nod. 

No to long list “Must Transcribe”, oddly silent. 

Yes to these honey wood walls just now


*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by (and in this case writing after) “Yes! No!” by Mary Oliver; from Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, October 16, 2022.

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