Sunday, April 16, 2023

Through Heart's Swinging Door (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, April 16, 2023, Orthodox Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, and feast day of the Unfading Flower Icon of the Mother of God, the Weeping Illyin Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God, Our Lady of Victories of Saint Mark, Saint Bernadette of Lourdes, Saint Withburga of Dereham and Holkham, and of the Virgin Martyrs Agape, Irene, and Chionia in Illyria (connected with Great Marytr Anastasia), and Holy Martyr Leonidas and Companions of Corinth. Image from here.)

Through Heart's Swinging Door

(imagined bequeathment of Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman, 

in the ancient “three most essential things” tradition)

Once inside

it's there to find:

you're loved always,

no matter what.

Love always --

no matter what.


* "Through heart's swinging door" is an adaptation of Howard Thurman's quote: “To love is to make of one's heart a swinging door.”

*From prompt: Inspired by The Mystical Heart: Love As a Creative Force (Abbey of the arts, 2022-23 series), especially Lerita Coleman Brown’s class on Howard Thurman and Christine Valters Paintner’s class on Saint Anthony the Great. 

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