Sunday, November 26, 2023

Hurray Sunday (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, November 26, 2023, feast day of Our Lady of Soufanieh (from which: "God saves me, Jesus enlightens me, the Holy Spirit is my life, thus I fear nothing."), Our Lady of the Mountains, and Blessed Delphine of Glandèves. On Jewish calendar today Talmud completed (475). Image from here.)

Hurray Sunday

(though it can be any day, every day)

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life 

is thank you, it will be enough. -–Meister Eckhart.

Hurray Sunday is inspired by the idea floating around out there of writing thank you cards on Thanksgiving. Which never seems to happen at our house. But we’ve been thinking, this Sunday following might just be the perfect time. That is, if it’s kept simple, perhaps an image (some favorite freebies here, here) with a short note. A “Hurray, so thankful for you!”. Which is also inspired by 94 year old Patricia (Patsy) Garlan‘s awesome philosophy of “a rumbling, tumbling ‘Yay!’ every day”, shared recently at Mythica’s Gratitude Cafe. To which, and to many more, a big…Hurray!

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