Saturday, February 24, 2024

Little Home on the Alsea (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, February 24, feast day of the Virgin of Guidance , Our Lady Ending the Plague (541), (above) Saint Agnes of Prague (letters to/from Saint Clare), Saint John the Baptist (finding of head), and Blessed Florentina Nicol Goñi. On Jewish calendar today is Ezekiel Foretells the Downfall of Israel's Enemies (421 BC), and The "Minor" Shushan Purim. Image, from St. Agnes Convent in Prague, is from here. )

Little Home on the Alsea

Can you hear your small heart next to mine

and the house breathing as it holds us?

–Helen Mort, “Push the button, hear the sound”


Room here for hundreds of books. Room for several stashes of tea –- dandelion, fennel, raspberry, rose. Room for rainbows (paints, pens line the desk), Icons all round these walls. Friendly wink of the oil lamp’s flame. Room for Joseph’s voice at morning prayer, family Rosary come evening. Room for the stovetop bubbling with porridge. Room for body’s swaying, reaching. Room for soul’s sleeping, weaving. Room for improvement -- no doubt. But as step by small step flows the way, there’s room for joy this day –-

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by “Knocking or Nothing” by Mary Szybist. From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite Studio Time, February 24, 2024. 

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