Saturday, May 18, 2024

From the Rock (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, May 19, 2024, Pentecost (Catholic), Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women with the Noble Joseph (Eastern Orthodox), feastday of the Inexhaustible Cup Icon of the Mother of God (old calendar), and Entrance of Saint Nino (Nina) the Enlightener into Georgia. Image by Mary Jane Miller (such beautiful work!) from here.

From the Rock

of frozen fear, darting 

eyes –- breath it swoops, a whoosh 

       to where the warm pollen lies

      to metamorphacize -- melt through

             to inner sweetness


*From prompt: List (using both images and sensory/body cues) what comes when you think of working, then what comes when you think of resting, then let these evolve into a poem/piece. [More detail on evoking what it means to rest: "How do you tend your heart and nourish your body?  How do you fill yourself up, when your well is dry? What helps you sink into spaciousness?  What gets in the way? Maybe you’ll write about a moment or a memory when you felt yourself gathered into gentleness or ease.  How do you know it, in your body or your mind?  Are there things that shift in the way you perceive the world?  In the way you see or feel or listen?] From Rabbi Julia Watts Belser's Disability Wisdom and the Subversive Power of Radical Rest (Lilith Creative Writing Workshop), May 17, 2023. 

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