Sunday, June 30, 2024

Slow-Slide (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, June 29, 2024, feast day of Our Lady of Linares, the (above) Kasperov Icon of the Mother of God (also connected with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Tatiana), Madonna of the Milk (miracle predicted by Saint Charles Borromeo), Saints Peter and Paul, Saint Mary the Mother of John Mark. Image from here.)


Nature does not hurry,

yet everything is accomplished.

― Lao Tzu

She sprints, my neighbor, umbrella clasped. Me, I’ll finish up that social studies report today. Maybe. Grandma Dee is of an odd mind that sick days are for resting, getting well. 

She’s at the stovetop now, I wander over. A rare thing, this having her to myself. No full house soundboom, everyone’s off... work, school. “Potato soup”, Grandma says, slipping the lid on the pot. Its cozy steam draws me near.

“Are you putting in any chicken for protein?” I ask, anxious to rebuild some strength. “No, that would make it something else. Your Grandma Otten always gave us plain old potato soup when we were queasy.”

“How about some carrots and celery for the nutrients?” “No, just potatoes and sea salt. Don’t confuse your body with a bunch of other things. Starch settles your stomach. Salt balances the electrolytes. That’s what you need when you’re sick, you know — for things to just be very simple.”

All day long I’m sipping that potato soup, nibbling on saltines, and looking out the window. It’s become a movie theater of sorts. I nestle in. Sun’s slow slide between glow and hide, the main feature. Thunder an intermission. A squeal from the toddler next door brings comic relief.

I suppose the homework can wait awhile. For the moment, I am... home.

Fifty years later now, it's a perpetual sick day — severe neck injury, Complex Regional Pain (CRPS), vision issues, GI distress. Every day I’m at home. Outwardly such quiet, peace. Inwardly still my penchant for elements, to do lists, toppling pile of causes, effects.

That is till I feel a presence, scoots me close sometimes. Points to moon’s languid rise out the window. Turns to tug, inner tide...

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by Li-Young Lee's “Persimmons", with an eye to remembering a conversation that has stayed with you, noting its setting, experience, and impact. From Robbi Nestor's Generative Writing class (the Poetry Salon), June 29, 2024.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

For the feast day of Our Lady of Medugorje/Grace, June 25, 2024 (WC)



(Wendy Cabell, June 25, 2014, Postfeast/Octave of Pentecost, feast day of Our Lady of Medugorje and (above) Our Lady of Grace (Our Lady of the Bowed Head). Image from here. "The words ‘Monstra te esse Matrem’ (Show thyself to be a Mother) are traditionally added to every copy of the image. They are taken from the hymn Ave Maris Stella.")

For the feast day of Our Lady of Medugorje/Grace, June 25, 2024

Our Mother entreats us pray

for peace in heart-home-world

while mind she tries to forget 

her squabbles with Joseph this morning

while soul she winks, whispers: 

A Mother will understand

*From prompt: Free write as inspired by “We Never Stop Talking about Our Mothers” by Daniely Antigua. From Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, June 25, 2024.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Light builds a home (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, June 20 ,2024, Summer Solstice, feast day of Our Lady of Consolation/Grace (Saint Therese's help for entering Carmel), the Hodegetria Icon of the Mother of God, and Blessed Margareta Ebner ("a leading example of what is termed 'mother-mysticism'"). Jewish calendar today commemorates Jewish Books Spared (1510). Image from here.) 

Light builds a home

1. Walk your ground

2. Determine ratio of welcomed Sky

3. Orient to Jericho’s echo

4. Stone upon stone now, raise a pantry at the entry -–

5. Stock with honey, milk

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by “Solstice” by Tess Taylor. From Lisa Freedman’s Summer Solstice BreatheReadWrite, June 20, 2024. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Come! (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 18, 2024, 2nd day of  special nine day Peace Novena to Our Lady of Medugorje, and feast day of  the Appearance of Our Lady to St Agnes of Montepulciano, Our Lady of Garabandal, (above) Our Lady of Igor/Icon, St. Theneva of Glasgow (mother of Saint Kentigern/Mungo), Saints Edburga and Edith of Aylesbury, Blessed Marina of Spoleto and Saint Elizabeth of Schönau (friend of Saint Hildegard of Bingen). Image from here.)


(for Our Lady's Novena plea, June, 2024)*

Come! on Love's path, warm
light. Peace flows from God, so pray –-
Fear not, Mama’s here

*This haiku is after Our Lady of Medugorje's message of April 25, 2009.

Monday, June 17, 2024

When born a wave (still am)



(Wendy Cabell, first half of poem is from October 7, 2022, feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary, of the “Tenderness” Icon of the Mother of God, and of Saint Osith and Saint Pelagia of Tarsus. (Revisited June 8, 2024, June 13, 2024 Feast of the Ascension, and June 24, Saint John’s Day). Second half of poem is from June 17, 2024, 1st day of  special 9 day Peace Novena to (above) Our Lady of Medugorje, feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (traditional date), Our Lady in the Forest “Ave Maria!” miracle), Our Lady of Perpetual Help (weeping Icon, Palestine) and Saint Nectan of Hartland. On Jewish calendar today Rebbe's Parents Wed (1900). Image from here.)

When born a wave (still am)

May, 1992


Everything else?

It can wait. 

Stroll three blocks from this rented room.

Meet shock of sky, silk tide, with bare feet. 

Stash the blue dress by the rock — and dive.

Note your lessons, learned by kind neighbor’s side:

  1. dip under, not over, a coming wave

  2. infinite space here in which to glide

  3. fellow rovers, they cruise in tandem 

       (though can’t see them),

there! down where sun resides —

cordial dolphins sweep below

ride their whisper tide

mend a path for moon to glow

 she sends her delegates:



       golden goose


and shakes a few stars to settle 

into waiting heart, new


*From combined prompts: Freewrite as inspired by Arvid van Maaren’s photo of “Puerto del Rosario, Fuerteventura”, and “Beaches. Why I Don’t Care For Them” by Wanda Coleman, from Lisa Freedman's BreatheReadWrite, October 7, 2022 ;“Roadside Attractions with the Dogs of America” by Ada Limón, from Robbi Nestor's Poetry Salon class of June 8, 2024; "Pineapple Sage" by David Rosenheim, from Kim Malinowski‘s Poetry Salon class of June 24, 2024); and Dick Altman's "Scenes From a Chalice of Waters/Victory, from Kim Malinowski’s Poetry Salon class of June 17, 2024 -- her take on editing: “Revision will add creativity." 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Raise Us (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 9, 2024, National Children's Day**, feast day of (above) Our Lady of Ligny/Our Lady of Virtues, Our Lady della Fontenuova / Our Lady of the Plain, the “of the Passion” Icon of the Mother of God (in Catholic Church called Our Lady of Perpetual Help), Saint Ephrem of Syria, Blessed Anne Marie Taigi, On Jewish calendar Moses ascended Mount Sinai for the first time/Chosen people (1313 BC).  (Image from here.)

Raise us, Your children 

(after the Akathist to the Mother of God Nurturer of Children*)

Most Immaculate Merciful Mother

raise us your children

in the purity of childhood

Raise us to be poor in spirit

that we may inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Raise us to weep,

that we may be comforted.

Raise us to be meek,

that we may inherit the earth.

Raise us to hunger and thirst for righteousness,

that we may be filled.

Raise us to be merciful, 

that we may obtain mercy.

Raise us to be pure in heart, 

that we may see God.

Raise us to be peacemakers,

that we may be called the sons and daughters of God.

O Mother, raise us, Your children,

to be made worthy of the Kingdom of God 

and heirs of eternal blessings.


*The above is complied/adapted from the Akathist to the Mother of God Nurturer of Children.

**"The second Sunday in June rewinds time for a moment to celebrate National Children's Day. This day honors the children in our lives by slowing down our fast-paced lives, turning off the tech, and refocusing on the important things. Taking one day may not be enough, but using it as an opportunity to redirect our family life is an important way to stay connected with our children."--National Day Calendar 

Friday, June 7, 2024

If I were brave (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 7, 2024, (above) Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests, and feast day of the Apparition of Saint Joseph in Cotignac, Blessed Anne of Saint Bartholome and Blessed Basilissa Fernandez. On Jewish calendar today is Flood Waters Recede (2105 BC). Image from here.)

If I were brave 

(for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, 2024)

Kitchen shelves toppling, food held back --

it's for my flight from world’s coming crash.

If I were brave, instead I’d sweep

an uncluttered space. Opt for smiles

versus piles of symptom logs,

endless diagnostics.

Perhaps I’d wander off a bit, 

favor wriggling fingers and toes

over sorting every document 

and scribbled note. 

Or better yet,

I'd christen the stockpiles.

Paint the diagnostics.

Organize to a tune –-

hand to heart now,

         in-breath out-breath 

in tandem, in harmony  

in pilgrimage

as horizons open 

for me and Thee.

Most steady. 

Most pleasant.

I'll be brave in Your company.

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by excerpt from “Wild Horses Drink from the River of History” by Lois Roma-Deeley. From Lisa Freedman’s BreathReadWrite, June 7, 2024.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

With Due Ceremony (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 5, 2024, feast day of the (above) Blessed Virgin of Help, and the Icon of the Mother of God of Igor. On Jewish calendar today is the Passing of Samuel (877 BC) and Jerusalem Liberated (1967). Image from here.) 

With Due Ceremony

(a found poem)

I firmly believe in lunch

sweet stopping-fueling-sighing —

though I can pass right on by the stopping part

perhaps the most important part, its look

round at morning’s accomplishments, 

short siesta, soft bow before next bend —

         and most magical of questions:

                      “What’s next?

*After fellow BRWers Betty Fannelli (line 5, beg. line 6) and Gerri Gutwein (end line 6, line 7-8) from their freewrites, used with permission, June 5, 2024 BreatheReadWrite.

*From prompt: Finish the thought of “I believe in lunch”. From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, June 5, 2024.