Sunday, September 15, 2024

Morning, September 11, 2024 (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, September 15, 2024, afterfeast of the Elevation of the Cross, feast day of Our Lady of the Way of Leon/Our Lady of Camino (related Cathedral images here, here), the Our Lady of Sorrows/Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, (above) Novonikḗta Icon of the Mother of God, Saint Catherine of Genoa and Saint Oranna (deaf, hearing miracles). On Jewish calendar today Nachmanides (Ramban), 1194. Image from here.)

Morning, September 11, 2024

“I love it when they show stages like this” I say. Joseph smiles over the hanging garden he’s brought in. Being homebound with chronic injuries, neurological disorders, sure miss my nature walks, their sweep to soul. I cup an early flower – thrilled to find this gate to our wet wild earth. Such a shy little bloom. Yet she bears a crown, mini star-buds all in a ring. A later stage flower bursts layer upon layer of petals. 

my country, tis for thee –

rowed petals unfurl as stripes 

stars glow their patch of sky

*Freewrite as inspired by “Lacrimosa” by Traci Brimhall. From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, September 15, 2024. yest

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Love comes armed (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, September 4, 2024, New Moon of  Elul (most notable for the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy), and feast day of the (above) Georgian (or Gruzinskaya) Icon of the Mother of God, the Unburnt Bush Icon of the Mother of God, Holy Prophet and God-seer MosesSaint Hermione, On Jewish calendar today, Moses ascends Sinai for 3rd 40 days, 1313 BC; and Prophecy of Haggai Encouraging Building of the Second Temple, 353 BC. Image from here.)

Love comes armed

with Her bin and broom.

Gathers peace, grace

palest green that seeks the Sun.

All the rest: dust, pebbles





                She keeps at it --

leaves nothing the same.

*From prompt: freewrite as inspired by “love is ___”, after considering Edwin Morgan's "The Unspoken". From Daisy Barrett-Nash’s Legacy Lines (Writers at Play), September 4, 2024.