(Wendy Cabell, September 4, 2024, New Moon of Elul (most notable for the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy), and feast day of the (above) Georgian (or Gruzinskaya) Icon of the Mother of God, the Unburnt Bush Icon of the Mother of God, Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses, Saint Hermione, On Jewish calendar today, Moses ascends Sinai for 3rd 40 days, 1313 BC; and Prophecy of Haggai Encouraging Building of the Second Temple, 353 BC. Image from here.)
Love comes armed
with Her bin and broom.
Gathers peace, grace
palest green that seeks the Sun.
All the rest: dust, pebbles
She keeps at it --
leaves nothing the same.
*From prompt: freewrite as inspired by “love is ___”, after considering Edwin Morgan's "The Unspoken". From Daisy Barrett-Nash’s Legacy Lines (Writers at Play), September 4, 2024.
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