Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Mediatrix (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, edited January 2025, but originally from February 8, 2022, afterfeast of the (above) Meeting of our Lord in the Temple, feast day of Our Lady of Virtues, Our Lady of the Lily, Our Lady of Lourdes Uruguay, Saint Josephine Bakhita, Saint Elfleda of Whitby, Blessed Elisa Martinez, Blessed Esperanza de Jesus, Blessed Jacoba de Settesoli, Saint Kigwe, Saint Cuthman of Steyning, On Jewish calendar today is Moses' Birth & Passing, 1393 and 1273 BC. Image from here.)


            a title of the Blessed Virgin

            as mediator of grace


When in Mother’s arms

softened gaze.

She changes everything.

She changes everything She touches

and everything She touches changes

till diverge, emerge —  

ice to river, stone to sand 

so much simpler than before.

Not yet knowing what’s to be done, but


*The above “She changes… touches changes” is  from pg 107 of Circle of Song by Kate Marks, being the chorus from Lauren Liebling and Starhawk’s Kore Chant. There are traditions in both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox supporting Pagan faith/philosophy as anticipating Christianity, eg here (note The Sybil of Erythraea top upper left). It's not hard to imagine the anticipation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in chants such as the Kore chant. 

**From prompt: Freewrite as inspired by something in the etymology of mistake (I chose divergent). From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, February 8, 2022

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