Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Mustard Seed Prayer (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, September 7, 2020, forefeast of the (above) Nativity of the Mother of God, and Chassidic holiday Chai Elul; and updated December 9, feast day of the Conception by Saint Anne of the Mother of God. Image from here.)

Mustard Seed Prayer

Mary made the complicated simple

because she said yes to God,

she accepted the Grace... 

and she lived that Grace.

 -- from 12/09/20 homily

     Knock Shrine, Ireland.

What I hold is Now.

What I hold is Here.

What I hold is This.

Lamb of God 

this moment take--

Your mercy



* "Now, Here, This" is the daily mantra of Jesuit Father Greg Boyle to

bring one square into the present. Introduced to this through a

Knock Shrine retreat of July 26-Aug 2, 2020.  

Now/Nigh: Nature's hour and season, this moment. Flow of breath within. 

Here: This room, this space. This body.

This: This task. This train of thought. This person before me.  

                                 ---And only this---

**Poem inspired by the (July-August) 2020 Jesuit Week Retreat, via Knock Shrine, Ireland.

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