Sunday, December 20, 2020

Heart-hush (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, December 20, 2020,  first day of the forefeast of the Nativity of Our Lord, feast day of the above "Rescuer of the Drowning" Icon of the Mother of God, and eve of winter solstice. Image from here.)


(the O Antiphons as Jesus Prayer,

after Abbot Jeremy Driscoll)

When we sing these hymns,

we literally join the ancient voices!

–Kayleen Asbo

O Jesus, Logos, come.

O Jesus, the I Am, come.

O Jesus, Budding Root, come.

O Jesus, Outstretched Arm, come.

O Jesus, Dawning Light, come.

O Jesus, Rock of Ages, come.

O Jesus, Heavenly Salve, come.

O Jesus, Emmanuel, come…

*The O Antiphons (echoed by O Come O Come Emmanuel) date at least as far back as the sixth century. They are recited, one each night, right before the Magnificat (fiat/yes) at Vespers during the final days of Advent. Each O Antiphon is rooted in a title for Jesus from the Old Testament. 

**Inspired by: Kayleen Asbo’s Advent workshop, Bishop's Ranch, Healdsburg, CA, Dec 20, 2023, and Abbot Jeremy Driscoll's A Word, December 17 and 24.

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