Monday, December 28, 2020

Light-flow (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, December 28, 2020, feast day of the Holy Innocents/Childermas, which happened as the Holy Family fled (above, Adriaen Isenbrandt) to Egypt; and feast day of Blessed Matthia dei Nazzarei.)


(a meditation on Luke 2:19)



           the Holy Sprit...

        Don't stop singing.

         -- St Hildgarde 

              of Bingen

As she keeps these things, world 

races. As she keeps these things,

heart ponders, still, 

cannot help 

the tune,

 O here, O here, Emmanuel,

       how soft You dawn,

           Eternal Light

              to dwell...*

*To repeat, as a Jesus Prayer/Heart Prayer, to the tune of the closing verse ("Rejoice, rejoice...") of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

**Poem inspired by recent Wisdom of the Heart retreat with Kayleen Asbo (via The Bishop's Ranch, Healdsburg, CA); and by Abbot Jeremy Driscoll (Mount Angel Abbey, Oregon)'s A Word of December 24.

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