Sunday, January 24, 2021

Held, ie Healed (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, January 24, 2021, feast day of Our Lady of Peace (Fatima), Our Lady of Damascus, Our Lady of Tears, Saint Francis de Sales, Blessed Paula Gambara Costa, Saint Xenia of Rome, and Saint Xenia of St Petersburg. Image from here.)

Held, ie Healed

(imagined letter from Saint Julian of Norwich)

                                                                                                                                      January 24, 2021

My Dear Child,

What I want you to know, is this little prayer. Can we say it together?

You, as a hazelnut, held.
Love is our Lord's meaning. 
Love, the only safe place.
All is well,
in your cell,




*From combined prompts: Engage in Lectio Divina with Julian of Norwich's famous hazelnut qoute, followed by invitation to poetic response (and in my doing so: held was unconsciously written, in original handwritten draft, as healed). From same class prompt to freewrite a letter of what it feels wants to be shared with you, beginning the letter with "My Dear Child, "What I want you to know (or see) is this...". From Kayleen Asbo's The Way of the Hermit (via Abbey of the Arts, Galway, Ireland), January 24, 2021. 

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