Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Golden String (GP Dan Stein)

(Guest poet Dan Stein (his webpage here) shares a previously written poem revisited January 28, 2021. Image from here.)

The Golden String

          I give you the end of a golden string

          Only wind it into a ball.

          It will lead you in at Heaven’s Gate

          Built in Jerusalem’s wall.

          -William Blake

Here is a bead.

Tie it to the end of the golden string

and gently reel in the world.

Any bead will do

but only your hand.

That’s why it was placed so near to you.

If you get lost,

start at the end;

work backwards.

Be un-industrious.

The string rolls up

with or without your effort.

Finally, dear one, remember:

Once the bead is on the string,

please don’t let go.

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