Monday, January 11, 2021

Simple, Loving Days (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, a previously written poem revisited January 12, 2021, feast day of Saints Lucia of Valcaldara and Caesaria of Arles, and of the above Milkgiver (Nurser) Icon of the Mother of God)

Simple, Loving Days

(A meditation on Luke 15:8-10 and Exodus 2:1-9)

There's the son, inheritance squandered.

Daughter now, she lost her treasure.

Didn't notice where the milk leaks, sours.

Heaven denied the offering, of simp!e, loving days.

Till Flame of heart, Sweep of broom search.

Till the Coin, O wonder!, is found. To cup round.

As walk round, walls to touch.

This is what it feels like, this today --

to notice where the milk leaks, sours.

To keep it pure, this offering

of simple, loving days.

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