Monday, January 11, 2021

Lullay Lullay, Today Lullay (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, a previously written poem revisited January 11, 2021, first day in Ordinary Time season of Liturgical year, feast day of (above, right hand side in dark dress) Saint Luminosa of Pavia, and see also preface here. Image is Sacra Conversazione, from here.)

Lullay Lullay, Today Lullay

(Ancient solutions for today's overwhelm)

Let us make a small roof chamber with walls, 

and put there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp, 

so that whenever he comes to us, he can go in there.

–2 Kings 4:10

Lullay lullay, today lullay,

as pulse it flows, we sing lullay...

See back to firelight, table, bed.  

Some books, and threads, food to lay ahead.

Put your best in the moment,

He'll look to the rest, she says,

Not just your hands -- your heart, your head.

Need space for the breeze to flow.

Lullay lullay, today lullay,

as pulse it flows, we sing lullay lullay...

*To the tune of the medieval "Lullay/Lullaby" which begins Lullay lullay, lullay

lullay, me dear moder please sing lullay...

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