Thursday, January 14, 2021

Slide (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, January 14, 2021, Leavetaking of Holy Theophany, and feast days of Saints Nina (Nino) of Georgia whose Cross is above, and Saint Sava of Serbia. Image is of a Saint Nino's Cross, or Grapevine Cross, from inlay on a door in Vardzia cave monastery, Georgia, from Wikipedia.)


(what young eyes know*)

          Even God rested on the seventh day, 

          leading us beyond just a horizontal view 

          in the plain of this world.

           - Fr John Sutka, 01-15-21 homily

            St Michael's Cathedral Basilica, Canada

Remember the view from the top of the 

slide. That water can catch your fall. That 

mountains are never far away. That windows

next door hold hushed, welcoming places. 

That sun can touch, breeze can soothe. 

Remember to keep a book handy too, roadmap

from the Saints. You'll need these landmarks,

trust me. No, don't say you've forgotten, seeds

nestled deep can't stay hidden for long. 

Remember warm sunshine on a body that's

swum. Water weaving through you, around 

you. Remember the view from the top of the 

slide and





*Poem inspired by writing prompt: Look into your own eyes, recognize that these are the very same eyes have always had....  and then write what one's younger self would like to teach the current self; from Naa Akua's Quarantine Write-In (Hugo House, Seattle), January 14, 2021.


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