Thursday, February 4, 2021

Doorkeeper's Prayer (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, February 4, 2021, feast day of Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Jane of Valois, Saint Cyril of White Lake, and Saint Isidore of Pelusium; also Feast of Reparation, somewhat echoed in today's Prologue homily. Image of Saint Josephine Bakhita, from here.)

Doorkeeper's Prayer*

(a short variation on the St Josephine Bakhita novena)


             in Your temple, 

             we ponder Your


         - today's responsorial 

           verse, for Psalm 48

Saint Bakhita please send 

      a song from above.

Guide me to show that God is love.

Help me in my intentions this day,

and teach to me your gentle ways.


*Saint Bakhita, as doorkeeper for her monastery, opened the literal door to sanctuary; and there is also the more internal concept of the hospitable heart. 

**Inspired by women's retreat group of Church of Saint Mary (Tulsa)'s call to see what Saint wishes one's focus right now, which I personally feel as Saint Bakhita.

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