Monday, February 1, 2021

In Season (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, February 1, 2021, feast day of Saint Brigid, of the Socola Icon of the Mother of God, and forefeast of Candlemass/The Meeting of the Lord. Image of Saint Hildegarde of Bingen's The Cycle of the Seasons, from here.)

In Season

(Imagined letters from Saint Hildegarde of Bingen

and her foster mother Blessed Jutta of Disibodenberg)

          You who brought harmony where there was conflict,

          you who brought light to the darkness,

          may the mantle of your peace cover us.


          - compiled from a traditional prayer to St Brigid

December 20, 2020

My Dear Child,

What I want you to know is, 

I am here for you. It is a quiet path. 

Remember, gentleness is wisdom.



January 24, 2021

My Dear Child,

What I want you to see, is where the open places are.

Flow comes slow, as pulse. Seasons come, go. If you can gently

breathe, a weaving begins. Just settle, it covers, your cloak it is.

Frozen sound, like snow, blankets seeds. This is winter.

Cooing sound, like dew, thaws. This is Spring.

Flowing sound, like honey, nourishes. This is summer.

Circling sound, like surrounding Angels, transfigures. This is fall.

Now don't get overwhelmed. It's all here, around you. Sit in the cell of your heart, here at home as blood, as breath, as bone teach you everything.



*From prompt: Given in two of Kayleen Asbo's classes (Wisdom of the Heart (via Bishop's Ranch, Healdsburg, CA) December 20, 2020, and The Way of The Hermit (via Abbey of the Arts), January 24, 2021) after Visio Divina with Saint Hildegarde's Cycle of the Seasons, write what feels wants to be communicated from this, beginning with the prompt "My Dear Child, What I want you to know (or see) is this...".

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