Wendy Cabell, April 28, Wednesday of Holy Week in Orthodox Church. On the Jewish calendar it is 17 Iyar, commemorating the raining down of "bread from heaven" (manna), which would sustain the Israelites through their exodus through the desert (1313 BC, see Exodus 16). Feast day of Blessed María Felicia of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Saints Theodora and Didymus, Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, and Blessed Marie-Louise Trichet. Poem is today's NaPoWriMo poem. Image from here.)
Midwife's Prayer
(a short variation for novena, to Blessed Maria Felicia of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament)
In rural Paraguay in 2002, a newborn who spent 20 minutes without signs of life after the umbilical cord was cut was declared dead after attempts to revive him failed. A nurse at the scene then prayed for the intercession of “Chiquitunga” [Saint Maria Felicia; Chiquitunga is pet name for her small stature] and the baby came back to life [resulting in the Saint's beatification]... The last words of Chiquitunga, who took the Discalced Carmelite habit in 1955, were: “How happy I am! … What a joy to meet my Jesus! … Jesus, I love you, what a sweet encounter! Virgin Mary!" - from The Catholic Sun
Holy Maria Felicia send
new life from above, a Breeze
to sweep this heart with love.
Help me in my intentions this day--
heartell that Love She makes a way.
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