Monday, April 26, 2021

Nightwatch (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, April 26, Monday of Holy Week in the Orthodox Church. On the Jewish calendar is 14 Iyar , the Second Passover /Pesach Sheini (rooted in the events of Numbers 9, in 1312 BC). From Tzvi Freeman's Wisdom to Heal the Earth, "Peach Sheini: A second Passover, for those who missed the first./ Because no matter what you were doing yesterday, today is a whole new day." Also feast day of Our Lady of Good Counsel (above), and of Saint Rafael Arnáiz Barón. Poem is today's NaPoWriMo poem. Image from here.)


          And hear the Black Maria

          Searching the town at night.

          - W.S. Graham

Listen. Put on morning, She says. Listen,

I stop there, for now. What soundflow

waves have long washed over

unsung? And still,


Put on morning,

She says. Birds trill outside the window

not to be outdone. My words ache to hold some soft

warmth of Sun. To listen, slide pane open, to morning --

*From prompt: freewrite as inspired by W.S.Graham’s Listen. Put On Morning--which line also used above; Lisa Freedman's Breathe/Read/Write of April 16, 2021.

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