Friday, May 28, 2021

Nighttide (WC)

(Wendy Cabell, May 28, feast day of the above Nicea Icon of the Mother of God, and of Blessed Maria Bagnesi and Blessed Margaret Plantagenet Pole**. Today on the Jewish calendar, Noah's ark came to rest on Mount Ararat (2105 BC). Image from here.)


opens up nook to curl in.
Stars a blanket. Bed a boat.
Placing my soul in Your hands,
day cast upon the waters.
Carried. Knowing I'll

      wake to You
       one way or
      another. And

that You Yourself will
bring me to the day I
   next need know.

*from prompt: freewrite as inspired by Ross Gay's Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude; from Lisa Freedman's Breathe/Read/Write, May 28, 2021. (Note: fuller version of poem is here.)

**Ancestry note: "Henry VII arranged for Margaret [Plantagenet] to be married to Sir Richard Pole, whose mother was a half-sister to Henry’s own mother, Margaret Beaufort. Pole’s father was Geoffrey Pole, esquire, who may have been descended from the Welsh princes of Powys", from here.

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