Sunday, May 30, 2021

Itinerary of Unabashed Gratitude (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, May 30, 2021, feast day of above Blessed Marie-Céline of the Presentation, Saint Dymphna, Saint Basil the Elder, and Saint Emmelia. Image from here.)

Itinerary of Unabashed Gratitude

1. Morningtide:
brings warm covers. Soul returned. Candle-lit Icons. And you are here, holy ones. And tea and porridge, almond laced. Soon Joseph yawning, stretching awake. Day begins.

2. Noontide:
lands with sun, overhead. If can't see it, can feel it. So onto letters, calls and classes, Spirit roaming. While body catches up supine cycling, drinks in the flow. Day moves, pulse.

3. Eventide:
falls in muffled hush. Computer's off (sometimes), day mulled over. And it's never all sorted out. Ever catch-up. While reminded life's a mountain can't reach top of. Found treasure, this trail of ever unknown.

4. Nighttide:
opens up nook to curl in. Stars a blanket. Bed a boat. Placing soul in Your hands, day cast upon the waters. Carried. Knowing I'll wake to You one way or another. And that You Yourself will bring me to the day I next need know.

*from promp:t freewrite as inspired by Ross Gay's Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude; from Lisa Freedman's Breathe/Read/Write, May 28, 2021.  

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