Sunday, June 13, 2021

With Unicorn Candor (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, June 13, 2021. On the heels of the new moon and the feast days of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, today is the feast day of the above Blessed Marianna Biernacka (her still living granddaughter sings in video here). Also feast day of Saint Anthony of Padua, and the Transfer of the Relics of Saint Paraskeve the New. On the Jewish calendar today is 3 Tammuz, commemorating the (1273 BC) miracle of Prophet Joshua and the stopping of the sun (see Joshua 10:12, and here), and the yahrtzeit (passing) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Image from here.)

With Unicorn Candor
(Or: How to Part Avalon's Mist)

When one passes from under the law of prohibitions to live 

under the benign influences of the law of the Beatitudes... 

they pass into another atmosphere where love 

reigns... They launch out into the deep, put 

forth their powers, and strive to live rather than not to die—

to do good rather than not to do evil, to put forth all their

strength and energy in the loving service of God and man.

--Fr. Basil Maturin, Spiritual Guidelines for Souls Seeking God

With unicorn candor could climb pastel mountains. 
Meek streams there, gentled touch. Never mind the
scattered ground, streams take focus. As daisies of a 
sudden stop one's tracks. Reminding to look up at the why--
Mountain view. With unicorn candor (but not until), can climb.

Candor: from the Latin, whiteness, brightness. 

Evolved to extreme brightness. Evolved to purity, 

openness. Evolved to openness of mind, impartiality, 

frankness, freedom from reserve or disguise. 

So, what's this now? Stripping down to 

white unicorn, I suppose, 

Single horn. No duplicity.

Soft mane, gentled mind. 

Leaving all else behind,

to climb said 


*See, here

**From prompt: freewrite an 11 line/11 component poem as inspired after reading Gerrit Lansing's A Poem of Love in Eleven Lines...from which comes the above line "with unicorn candor"; Lisa Freedman's Breathe/Read/Write, June 11, 2021. 


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