Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Doves (GP Jean Esteve)


(By guest poet Jean Esteve, a previously written poem revisited here on November 23, 2021. Image painted by Jean Esteve.)


Together and always


they arrive at my back yard,

misappearing as a solid

of feathers --

a gossimer cloud

that lands with a gutteral thud.

Each year they increase

in number

still showing themselves in a clump.

So adoring of only

one another

pitch they their camp

with a mutual heart-beat-like thump.

Do they think their unique


excludes them from nature's true nature?

Or perhaps it's their 

singular beauty --

no creature wears better

such slices of gleam (pink, blue, green) in its sweater,

not reckoning that my 

true-heart, Spot,

whose raison d'etre's to keep me amused,

employs his long-nosed best


wagging enthusiasm

at his shrewdest wild carom, cradle, masse, roquet.

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