Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Lady and Her Cat (WC)


(from Bradi Barth’s "Evangelisation Wardrobe” series)

(Wendy Cabell, forefeast of the Entry/Presentation of the Theotokos Into the Holy Temple, and of the anchoress Saint Maxentia, and of martyr Saint Nerses of Sahgerd who refused to worship the sun. Today on the Jewish calender, Noah's ark comes to rest (2104 BC). Image from here.)

The Lady and Her Cat

(from Bradi Barth’s “Evangelisation Wardrobe” series)

For in this we groan, earnestly desiring 

to be clothed with our habitation 

which is from heaven

--2 Corinthians 5:2

The striped cat was never quite the 

same after the accidents. Hobbled leg,

battered brow. Softened eye. Good

thing the Lady took her in. Liked

how this cat never chewed the flowers or

clawed the sheets. This cat now snuggled 

on quilt as the Dove comes calling, one

cat's eye watching. The other on her Mistress'

hands to heart. Mayhap the Dove will drop His bit

of green into those hands! Mayhap those hands

will stroke striped fur and waiting soul, before the 

pounce upon holy ground. Before dinner, and 

prayers and bedtime stories, and a tomorrow

of nestled light...  

*From prompt: Write as response to a piece of art selected from those presented in Betsy Beckman and Kathleen Kitchline's Abbey of the Arts retreat Once Upon a Time in a Town Called Nazareth, November 20, 2021. Bradi Barth's image was selected, above.)

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