Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Downsizing (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, November 17, 2021, feast day of Our Lady of Zion (apparition to Alphonse Ratisbonne), Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Saint Hilda of Whitby (above; Saint Hilda also inspired Saint Caedmon), Saint Gregory of Neocaesarea, and Saint Gregory of Tours. The Jewish calendar today commemorates the completion of the Talmud. Image from here.)


The amount of information this mind can handle is dwindling. Trying not to be alarmed, escape this glitch unharmed, its lengthening string of diagnoses, physical disabilities -- Brain’s overload seeks neuroplasticity. Switch to hands, handy boundary, only so much they can hold. Currently clasped in truce, bidding “Look! how different it might be", and was: just a child, out walking with Mom, horizon real, its Heavens forever but only now in hand –

*From prompt: Freewrite as inspired after hearing Micha Hamel’s "Wandering Thoughts (During a Meeting)". From Lisa Freedman’s BreatheReadWrite, November 15, 2021.

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