Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Small Grace (WC)


(Wendy Cabell, April 18, 2022, Bright Monday (Catholic)/Holy Monday (Orthodox), feast day of the Maximov Icon of the Mother of God, of the Holy House of the Annunziata/Annunciation, Our Lady of Gimigliana (modern apparition), the day indulgence was approved for visits to the Cathedral of Loreto, and feast day of Athanasia of Aegina (fascinating incident with star), Saint Marie of the Incarnation, Blessed Maria Anna Blondin, and Saint Anthusa of Constantinople.  On Jewish calendar continues PassoverImage from here.)

Small Grace

Eyes up,

bitty bloom

before you sup.

Eyes up,

joy’s rain in cup,

for else no room.

Eyes up,

bitty bloom. 

*From prompt: after listening to some Triolet examples, write poem with Triolet  rhyme structure (when more familiar, can also incorporate its various meter structures); from Lynn Skapyack Harlin‘s The Triolet (MOCA, Jacksonville), April 18, 2022.

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